Guide to Getting Started with the B2Brouter Electronic Invoice API
Register with B2Brouter and configure your account
To begin using the B2Brouter API, you first need to create an account on B2Brouter. You can do so from this link.
Here you will find detailed instructions on how to register.
Once registered, log in to B2Brouter and set up your account. Here you will find detailed instructions on how to do so.
Finally, make sure to request the Enterprise Plan and the necessary permissions by sending an email to [email protected].
Start using our API REST
To access the B2Brouter API, follow these steps:
- Access your account.
- Within your account, click on the Integration option (lightning bolt icon at the top of the screen).
- At the Integration page, select the B2Brouter API option in the left submenu of the screen.
- Use the Show API Key option to obtain your API key.
- Access to the API Documentation.
B2Brouter has 2 environments:
- Production environment (
- Staging environment (
For testing, it is recommended to always use the staging environment.
Keep in mind that the API key is not the same for different environments (production or test). If you want to connect to the production environment, you must obtain the API key by accessing your account in the production environment.
If you want to connect to the test environment, you must obtain the API key by accessing your account in the test environment.
For default the API Reference is documented with the staging environment, to change the environment open the Base URL dropdown.
The credentials must be provided in the request headers , with the name X-B2B-API-KEY.
Choose the response format
We provide the response in two different formats:
- XML (.xml)
- JSON (.json)
You can choose it on the path parameters of each request.
Check your companies identifiers
Use the List Companies endpoint
curl --request GET --url ' --header 'X-B2B-API-Key: xxxxxxxxxxx' --header 'accept: application/json'
In this response, pay attention to the information in the identifier field, as it is the company's name. You should use this name when you want to interact with the project through the API.
Updated 7 months ago