Error codes
Some Errors include an error code. Here you can find a list of them and a brief explanation.
This indicates that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.invalid_request_params
Error occurred while parsing request parameters. Check the integrity of your params.no_account_group
No account group was found for the provided API key. Contact the sales department.parameter_blank
One or more required values are missing. Check our API documentation to see which values are required to create or modify the specified resource.parameter_empty
One or more required values were not provided. Make sure requests include all required parameters.parameter_inclusion
One or more values provided are not included in the list. Check our API documentation to see what the permitted values for that attribute.parameter_taken
One or more values provided have already been taken.parameter_cannot_change
Parameter cannot be modified.resource_missing
The specified resource could not be found.unauthorized
Invalid API Key provided, or the API key might not have the necessary permissions for this action.
Updated 7 months ago