Tax Report Settings
Configure Tax Report Settings with B2Brouter API
With B2Brouter API you are able to configure your Tax Report Settings that will allow you to submit Tax Reports to your country's Tax Authority. You can list, create, update and delete your Tax Report Settings.
B2Brouter API allows you to configure Tax Report Settings for the next countries:
- Spain (TicketBAI)
- Italy (SDI - Sistema di Interscambio)
- Malaysia (LHDN - Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri)
Set up Tax Report Settings
B2Brouter allows you to set up Tax Report Setting only for Tax Authorities that are within your country. You must set the start_date to configure when Tax Reporting will begin. If start_date field is not set B2Brouter will assume it's the current day.
You can automatically generate Tax Reports after the invoice has been sent by setting up auto_generate using JSON Payload. Some Tax Authorities, in order to comply the legal requirements, obligate to generate the Tax Report as soon as the invoice has been sent. In that case you will not be able to configure automatic generation of the Tax Report.
If you want to manually generate each Tax Report, set auto_generate to false.
If you have configured to generate Tax Reports automatically you can also, automate the sending process with auto_send. Once the Tax Report has been created it will automatically be sent to the Tax Authority.
Special requirements
Each Tax Authority from each country may have different special settings to comply.
SDI has no special requirements to set up the Tax Report Setting, you simply need to create the setting and begin to report your taxes.
curl --location '{account_id}/tax_report_setting' \
--header 'X-B2B-API-Key: xxxxxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"tax_report_setting": {
"code": "sdi",
"start_date": "2024-06-06",
"auto_generate": true,
"auto_send": true
TicketBAI has some special settings. Upon creating the Tax Report Setting you must specify the delegation to which you will report your taxes (Araba, Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia) and set the special fields for TicketBAI.
On the other hand, you cannot configure auto_generate parameter, as for legal obligations of TicketBAI it's automatically set to true and will generate tax report once the invoice has entered the state sent.
Also, each Basque delegation has some special requirements:
- Bizkaia: You must set the epigraph of your company in order to be able to generate the correct Tax Report.
- Gipuzkoa: In order to send Tax Reports you must fill and sent the following documentation to The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa:
- Foral Order approving the terms of social collaboration in the sending of TicketBAI files generated in compliance with the TicketBAI obligation. Download
- Authorisation to send the TickeBAI files generated for compliance with the TickeBAI obligation. Download
- You must incorporate the data from these forms into the computer files of the Foral Treasury for tax purposes. If you do not include the indicated data, the documents sent will be refused by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.
curl --location '{account_id}/tax_report_setting' \
--header 'X-B2B-API-Key: xxxxxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"tax_report_setting": {
# Common settings
"code": "tbai",
"start_date": "2024-06-06",
"auto_generate": true,
"auto_send": true,
# Special TicketBAI settings
"delegation": "gipuzkoa",
"reason_vat_exempt": "E1",
"special_regime_key": "01",
"reason_no_subject": "OT",
"credit_note_code": "R1",
"type_operation": "services",
"epigraph": "147410"
Modify Tax Report Settings
Once you have set up your settings you can modify them in case you made a mistake or simply want to change some of the parameters. However keep in mind that once you reach the start_date you will not be able to modify some of the parameters.
If your tax reporting period has began you will not be able to modify the delegation you have set up for TicketBAI reporting.
Delete Tax Report Settings
In case you want to delete your Tax Report Setting for any reason you must be aware that once you have created your first tax report from any of your invoices you will not be able to delete the Settings. This restriction is applied for the legal requirements of the Tax Authorities.
When Listing all or Retrieving a single Tax Report Setting locked field will indicate if there have been created any tax reports with this setting.
Sending Tax Reports
After configuring your Tax Report Settings you will be able to generate and send Tax Reports on the start_date day. For further information on TicketBAI management through API check on TicketBAI Guide
Updated 26 days ago