List tax reports

Returns a paginated list of the actual tax reports or a summary of their status.
You have to check the status of the tax report that we send in your behalf in order to be able to take the necessary actions in case any error or warning is issued by the Tax Authority. Because of the asynchronous nature of the tax report sending process, there is no guarantee that when you check the status of the tax reports it will already have the response of the Tax Authority. It usually takes a few seconds to complete the transaction. You will know that the transaction is complete if the response of the check of the status of the tax report has an status registered or error. We recommend you retry the status check until you get a final state on your tax report.
The format json returns the state of the tax report, along with other useful information (which depends on the kind of tax report you are sending), such as the timestamp of the sending process, the response of the Tax Authority, etc ...
The format xml returns the actual file of the tax report that have been sent to the Tax Authority.

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